Data Integration

We work with you to standardize, simplify, and streamline processes for up front data entry as well as long-term data management across both internal and exteranal systems.

Internal Integration

Automate My Data understands that in order to run your business, you need different software tools. However, often times companies find themselves re-keying data in to one software package when they already have that same data stored in another software package. Our goal is to minimize the amount of hand keyed data entry and maximize data reuse. This gives you an integrated system where your software packages share their data. Watch as the efficiency of your personnel improves while simultaneously reducing data entry errors.


A customer used a standard software accounting package, but had a different job tracking system. Automate My Data wrote an integration program that detected a shipped job and automatically inserted invoices into the accounting software, emailing, faxing, or printing the invoices based on their customers requirements.

External Integration

One thing is for sure, businesses now exist in an electronic world. It is becoming more and more common that businesses, however small, are required to transmit and receive electronic data. Meeting these requirements can be daunting challenge for any business, but especially for small businesses. Automate My Data will help you meet these challenges with simple solutions tailored to your system. Why manually key an advanced shipment notice (ASN) into a canned electronic data interchange (EDI) system, when Automate My Data can automatically detect that you have made a shipment and send the ASN as a background process that never gets in the way getting your products out the door?